Low-Maintenance Landscaping and Mulching for Rental Properties

Being a landlord is a stressful full-time job that may involve managing multiple rental properties, responding to emergencies and tenant requests, screening new tenants, showing properties, and more. As a landlord, the last thing you probably want to worry about is maintaining the grounds but there are many reasons you should put some effort into landscaping.

Rental property landscaping makes your South Carolina property more attractive to prospective tenants and can help you secure higher rents. Of course, you don’t want to invest too much time and money into landscaping for a rental property as tenants rarely keep up landscaping. A South Carolina mulch installation professional is a cost-effective solution to give your rental property the curb appeal it needs to attract tenants without the upkeep. Here’s why mulch is worth the investment for your rental properties.

Mulch and Basic Landscaping is a Great Investment

Basic landscaping for your rental property doesn’t require a large investment. Simply adding native plants that do not require much if any watering along with mulch in flowerbeds can do wonders to boost the property’s curb appeal. This is an easy way to draw in tenants and improve the value of your home, apartment building, or townhome. Research has shown that landscaped properties tend to have fewer vacancies and get rented faster. It’s hard to beat simple landscaping when it comes to a great return on your investment. Mulch is one of the lowest-cost additions to your property’s landscaping and it can last several years before it needs to be replaced or freshened.

Mulch Is Easy to Maintain

As a landlord, any landscaping you add to a rental property should be as easy to maintain as possible whether you will be responsible for the upkeep or it will be left to the tenants. Most tenants do not do well with keeping up landscaping and investing too much can be a waste of money. Mulching isn’t just affordable; it reduces landscape and lawn maintenance for your property. Mulch helps regulate ground temperature and retain moisture to keep plants strong and healthy while protecting against drought. This also reduces or even eliminates the need for watering. If tenants are lax with keeping up the landscaping, plants will be better able to resist the effects of drought with mulch.

Other Benefits of Mulching a Rental Property

  • Bulk mulch installation for your rental property can also come with other cost-saving perks as a landlord.
  • Deter pests. Mulch can work as a natural pest deterrent, especially against rodents and insects if you choose cedar or cypress mulch.
  • Reduce water use. If water is included in the rent, reducing watering time can help you reduce overhead on your rental properties.
  • Marketing benefits. You want to show off the rental property in its best light. Tenants want to move into a home that looks clean, comfortable, and like home. A bit of landscaping can go a long way toward marketing your property.